Glossary of Terms for Newbees


·         Digging       Anytime you get out with your detector

·         DirtFishin'   Metal Detecting on dry land

·         Beach Hunting    Metal Detecting on the beach

·         Coin Shooting    Hunting specifically for coins

·         Relic Hunting     Hunting specifically for relics or artifacts

·         Clad             Modern coinage not made from precious metals ...Post 1964

·         Merc           Mercury Dime (Silver)

·         Rosie          Post 1964 Roosevelt dime ( silver)

·         IH                Indian Head Cent    1859-1909

·         Indian         Indian Head Cent     1859-1909

·         Walker       Walking Liberty Half Dollar

·         BIG SILVER     Large Silver coins ... Halves , Silver Dollars ,8 Reales  etc

·         Cherry Picking    Discriminating out low end targets and detecting only for coins and jewelry

·         HH              Happy Hunting

·         MD-ing      Metal Detecting

·         TID           Target Identification

·         COIL         The X-mit and  Receive Antennae at the bottom of your detector shaft

·         Digger       Tool used to dig target holes

·         Digger (2)   Person Who Metal Detects

·         Wet            The area of a beach approaching the water line where the sand is packed     and wet

·         Wash         The area of a beach where the waves break and roll over onto the wet area of sand

·         Towel Line    The area of beach where the dry sand ends and the wet begins ... generally where sun bathers line up their towels

·         Cut              Areas on the beach where the tides have ripped away layers of sand in a drastic manner

·         Can Slaw     Mixture of tin , aluminum and other metals ripped up and shredded from ground action and sand processing

·         Dry (Sand)    The area of a beach not effected by the water

·         Plow     Refers to farm fields that are plowed and easy to dig through

·         Swinging    Anytime you are out swinging your detector

·         Probe          Thin tool similar to a screwdriver used to manually locate targets in the hole

·         Pinpointer    Electronic device used to locate targets in the hole

·         Target          The subject of your dig ... item located by your detector

·         Dig             The event accessing a property and activily detecting on it

·         Permission       The granting of access to a specific property by the owner

·         Screen          Visual Indicator LCD , LED or other that will provide video ques as to your target ID

·         Tone Only   Machines Not equipped with screens

·         Gridding    Method of detecting where you scan an area in equally spaced intervals and then repeat in intersecting directions so as to cover every inch of an area

·         Black (sand )   Area of a beach where the minerals have blackened the sand generally the lowest part of the wet

·         Hot Rock     Items that have the appearence of a rock but will set off you metal detector

·         Newbee     Someone New to the hobby